

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Review : Girl of Nightmares

Girl of Nightmares
Author : Kendare Blake
Published : August 7, 2012
Publisher : Macmillan- Tor Teen

I liked this book, but I didn't love it. I think my expectations were too high, seeing as how in love I was with Anna Dressed in Blood. To start off, what I liked most about this book was how scary the scary scenes were! When they were working through the suicide forest YIPE! I was in the comfort of my bedroom and I was seriously getting scared by this. The parts with Cas seeing Anna were also really freaking me out. Blake does a terrific job with her horror descriptions. The story was fast paced and action packed, another big thumbs up for that. However, there was one big let down for me in this book. Anna was hardly in it :( Her moments in the book were so fleeting, when I got to the end I thought for sure there would be another book in the series. Going back and thinking about it, these books are told from Cas' perspective and not Anna's so I need to realize that the focus is going to be on him. Although I really liked every single character in this book and the last, I have to say that I love Anna. I wanted more of her and her violent scariness. This book just didn't have something that the last book had and although I did enjoy reading it I was a little let down.